Getting It On website plus illustrations

Getting It On website

We have designed, redesigned and kept this website constantly evolving over the last 10 years, to ensure it continues to meet our clients’ expectations and our users’ needs. Its latest incarnation is bold, bright and contemporary, to appeal to the target audience, and is fully responsive for viewing on all types of device.

Our work both in design, development and promotion of the website has seen visitor statistics and engagement consistently improve. Back in 2013 the website averaged between 6,000 and 7,000 visits a month. It now has anywhere between 23,00 and 29,000 visits.

Annual management package

Getting It On is a cross-borough initiative, with six sexual health commissioners – one from each borough – tasked with overseeing the running of the site. They pay a joint annual fee for us to host and manage the website. This means our team is always on hand to do content updates and offer technical support. We also meet as a group on a quarterly basis to discuss the ongoing management of the site and we provide bespoke monthly analytics reports, so each commissioner can see how the overall website and their individual areas are performing.

Getting It On south London areas
Getting It On logo and URL


In 2016 we carried out a redesign of the website and a rebrand of their identity. We wanted to produce a logo that would appeal to their young target audience and that would work well across a range of mediums, both online and in print. The ‘button’ logo we came up with has proved very effective and versatile, providing a distinctive brand that has helped us increase brand awareness via the website and wider marketing initiatives.

Marketing Campaigns

We devise, create and manage regular marketing promotions for the site. These campaigns generally include the design and build of a dedicated webpage for the chosen topic and targeted social media advertising. We also promote the site at events and places frequented by young people, using posters and other giveaway items, such as branded Oyster Card wallets, pens, mirrors and highlighters. Outdoor advertising on local buses has also proved very effective for creating brand awareness. We will source products and provide quotes and designs for all these forms of promotion.

Getting It On marketing material examples

Getting It On student cards

This is a FANTASTIC website!! I work for Sutton and Merton family planning and give out your website as much as possible… One of the best websites I’ve seen in a very long time. Very informative and easy to navigate.

– Website user, 2018 –

Contact Us

Get in touch by sending us a message
or by giving us a call on:

01306 868250